CKB overdraft loan
Solve your current liquidity problems efficiently and under favourable terms with a CKB overdraft loan for micro and small enterprises.
Target clients
CKB overdraft loan is intended for micro and small companies that need additional funds to overcome the imbalance between inflows and outflows from their current operations.
- Loan amount: up to €300,000
- Repayment: up to 12 months

Loan security
- Personal promissory note
- Corporate promissory note
- Authorization for collection against corporate account
- Mortgage

Documents required
- SME loan application

Documents required
- Completed and signed application
- Copy of the registration decision
- Copy of the decision on registering for VAT
- Copy of the certificate on the activity classification (if any)
- Copy of specimen signature card for the Bank account
- Copy of OP Form (certified signatures of persons authorized to represent the company)
- Statute and founding document
- Financial statements (balance sheet and income statement ) for the previous 3 years (certified by the Commercial Court or the Tax Administration)
- Balance sheet, income statement - auxiliary forms, for the previous 3 years
- Financial statements (balance sheet and income statement ) – year to date
- Trial balance for the previous 2 years and year to date
- Analytics of customers and suppliers for the previous year and year to date
- Consent for access to Credit Register (RKB) from the company and company owner (and all subsidiaries and guarantor)
- Balance sheet and income statement for the previous 2 years for the company owner and/or subsidiaries (if the company owner is a legal entity and/or if there are subsidiaries)
- Additional documents
Product price
Interest rate and loan processing fee are determined on the basis of economic and financial analysis of the company, credit history, turnover on the accounts with CKB, and collateral quality and value.