ckb stednja

CKB Children Savings

Crnogorska komercijalna banka created the Children Savings product and demonstrated that it cares for the youngest clients.

It is a gradually increasing savings account opened by parents to provide better future for their children. The parents pay regular monthly amounts to the savings account and the minimum deposit is not set.

Target clients

This is a product intended for parents of young population wishing to save for their children's future.


  • No restrictions on the minimum initial deposit
  • Possibility to make successive deposits, and thereby additionally increase the savings for children
  • Interest calculation and accrual at maturity or upon automatic principal rollover. Extension (automatic contract renewal) is effected 8 days upon the contract expiry
  • Maturity: on demand or fixed term (13 to 24 months)
  • Possibility to transfer money to your child's account, transaction, FX and other accounts

 The contract for this type of savings is signed by a parent or a legal representative, against presentation of birth certificate of his minor child or the represented child, respectively.

When disbursing interest, the Bank calculates and deducts capital income tax from accrued interest, on behalf of clients and for their account, and then pays it to the prescribed accounts in accordance with applicable legislation as of the interest disbursement date.

Partial cancellation is not allowed, i.e. no portion of term deposit may be available before the term expiry.

The deposits can be made in euros only.

Deposit Protection Fund

Crnogorska komercijalna banka is a member of the Deposit Protection Fund.