Western Union
Western Union represents the world's leading electronic money transfer service that has become synonymous with speed, convenience and reliability, and is present in over 200 countries worldwide.
In order to meet the needs of citizens, CKB provides the service of receiving and sending money through the Western Union system.
This type of service is of a special interest to:
- tourists, due to unforeseen expenses abroad
- passengers who are in trouble
- pupils and students
- temporary workers
- all persons in urgent need of money
- You do not need an account to receive/send money
- The money receipt service is free of charge
- The fee for sending money is paid by the sender
- You can use the Western Union service to receive money from abroad, as well as to send money abroad
- Receiving/sending money is done exclusively in euros
- Depending on the working hours of agent locations, time zones, service conditions, money can be received a few minutes after payment, and the transaction processing process takes only a few seconds
- Western Union service in Montenegro can be used by adults only
- Each transaction has a unique control number, Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN) that the sender may only disclose to the recipient
Payment institution Montenegro transfers doo is a representative of Western Union for the provision of WU services for receiving and sending remittances on the territory of Montenegro, and CKB is one of their agents.
Additional information on Western Union service can be found on www.montenegrotransfers.me or through their Call Centre.
tel: +382 20 321 321
web: www.montenegrotransfers.me
e-mail: info@montenegrotransfers.me
Call Centre working hours:
Monday-Friday: from 7:30 – 22:00h
Saturday: from 8:00 – 22:00h
Sunday: from 10:00 – 22:00