Velika preduzeca - Transakcioni racuni

CKB Transaction Accounts for National Payments

CKB performs fast, secure and efficient national payment operations, with competitive tariffs on the national market, which is a condition for successful operation of companies and the basis for establishing more complex forms of cooperation with the Bank.

You can open a CKB Transaction Account for National Payments in any of the branches of our Bank, under a quick and easy procedure.

Target clients

This account is intended for the companies that need a fast and reliable cash transfer within the country.


  • Competitive tariffs
  • The most extensive network of business units of the Bank
  • Possibility to choose option and time for payment transaction
  • E-payments 24 hours a day at lower tariffs
  • Possibility of establishing a standing order
  • Direct debit option
  • Strict observance of data confidentiality

Additional benefits

The friendly and highly professional staff will provide you with account statements detailing performed transactions, current balance and any entries on the account electronically or at the Bank's counter. With CKB GO service for large companies, you can perform your daily financial transactions even more conveniently and faster.

Documents required

To open a CKB account for national payments, you need to submit an application on the basis of which the Account Opening and Maintenance Agreement will be concluded. The following documents are related to opening the account:

  • Account Opening Application
  • Certificate of registration in the court register or other relevant register
  • Statistical authority certificate on the activity classification
  • Resolution assigning tax identification number (PIB) from the Public Revenue Directorate
  • Specimen signature card for persons authorized to sign for the company (you will get it from the Bank)
  • OP Form (signatures of persons authorized to represent the company, certified by a relevant institution). OP Form must be enclosed in original, while the remaining documents should be submitted for review
  • Account Opening and Maintenance Agreement


For pricing of our products and services, see our tariffs.