Velika preduzeca - Depoziti

Special-Purpose Deposits

We offer our clients different types of special-purpose deposits, on the depositing conditions that are contracted on the basis of the client’s financial strength, deposit purpose, deposit amount, deposit term, etc. In addition to accommodating the client’s wish to allocate particular funds for particular purpose, additional advantage of this product is reflected in considerable profit that may be gained.


  • CKB is a safe and stable bank, member of the OTP banking and financial group.
  • Our clients include the largest Montenegrin companies, leaders in all segments of the economy, as well as many international entities operating in Montenegro.
  • Variety and number of supporting products that can make your operations more comfortable represent one of the biggest comparative advantages of our Bank in comparison to other banks.
  • With well-planned management of your funds, you can cover a significant portion of your operating expenses with interest income.
  • It helps in obtaining necessary financial support from the Bank for funding the current and investment needs of your company.
  • It reduces company operating risk that is largely connected to fund management methods and fund managers.