Velika preduzeca - Depoziti

Alternative to deposits (Custody)

For our Bank's clients, individuals and legal entities, we offer the possibility of custody operations, as follows:

  • Opening and maintaining securities accounts with the Central Depository Agency (CDA) on behalf and for the account of legal holders – our clients (clients holder/own account);
  • Opening and maintaining securities accounts with the CDA on behalf of custody bank and for the account of legal holders – our clients, or on behalf of our clients which are not legal holders of those securities and for the account of legal holders (collective custody account);
  • Securities trading on domestic and international stock exchanges; Trading through securities holder/own accounts and collective custody accounts;
  • Executing orders for the transfer of rights vested in securities and for the registration of third party rights over securities and taking care of the transfer of those rights deriving from securities;
  • Collecting claims from issuers for matured securities, interest and dividend on behalf of legal holders of those securities and taking care of the exercise of other rights belonging to legal holders of securities which are the Bank’s clients;
  • Notifying shareholders of annual shareholders meetings and representing them on those meetings, upon proxy; Upon client’s authorization, seeing to the fulfilment of taxing obligations of the client related to securities in his legal possession;
  • Supporting all types of client communication and reporting: in person, by phone, fax, e-mail, SWIFT;
  • Performing other duties defined by contract, in accordance with the law and custody bank rules.

You can get the sale proceeds on the same day (until 16:00), if the sale was transacted through the CKB Custody Department.

How to become a client?

In addition to the signed contract and application, legal entity needs to provide:

  • resolution on registration in the Central Register of Business Entities (CRPS);
  • specimen signatures of authorized persons that will operate the specified accounts.
  • statement from the tax records that includes tax identification number (PIB);

Enclosed to the contract and application for acquiring the client status, foreign private individual needs to provide:

  • certified copy of passport and
  • other documents specified by the Bank

Enclosed to the contract and application for acquiring the client status, foreign legal entity must provide the following documentation:

  • certified copy of statement from the parent country company registry with an apostille, certified translation in Montenegrin;
  • certified translation of the text on registration in Montenegrin;
  • if the account is opened by the legal representative, it is necessary to file a document (resolution, letter of authorization) on appointing such person as representative of the foreign legal entity with an apostille, certified translation in Montenegrin;
  • if the account is opened by a person authorized by the legal representative, the power of attorney with certified translation in Montenegrin;
  • specimen signatures of authorized persons certified on the prescribed form;
  • certified passport copies of owners, legal representatives as well as authorized persons;
  • other documentation specified by the Bank.